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Taupō Waters - Commercial Operator 

Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board logo
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Taupō Waters Commercial Operator

Why do I need to apply for a licence?

In July 2021, the High Court issued a declaratory judgment which confirmed the property rights of Ngāti Tūwharetoa including the ability to require commercial users to obtain from the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, rights to occupy or use parts of Lake Taupō and surrounding tributaries for commercial activities, and to charge commercial uses for the same. Your operation must be consistent with the principles laid out in the policies.

Preparing your application:

Before you lodge an application for a Commercial use, please make sure you've read the relevant environmental and cultural protocols, as well as prepared your statement of estimated gross revenue.

What do I need?

  • Location information
  • Regulatory Compliance
    • Harbourmaster approval
    • Maritime NZ Certificate
    • District or Regional Council Approval
  • Aerial Map of Operation (refer to Taupō District Council free map system - Mapi) - a map is needed if this is a lake and joint land based operation
  • Health and Safety Plan
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Statement of Estimated Gross Revenue

Applicant Details

Organisation Details

Contact Details (for application)

Section A - Description

Please check all that apply

Please provide as much detail as you can about your operation

Your operation plan is not required, but will assist with your application

When your operation first started

Section B - Area of Operation

Please describe the area of operation for all activities/operations, including their locations and aerial maps below

Please only specify locations and maps within Taupō Waters

Search or define a location



You can create aerial maps using the Taupō District MAPI Software

Section C - Fleet Information


Please exclude any equipment hire


Section D - Regulatory Compliance

Section E - Health and Safety

Please provide your health and safety plan below, in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and the Health and Safety at Work (Adventure Activities) Regulations 2016. You can find more information about Adventure Activities on the Work Safe website.

Please note:
The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board is not the responsible agency for assessing if your health and safety plan adequately manages the risk for your participants and support staff/volunteers. The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board will not assess whether you have met your Health and Safety Act obligations. This includes adequacy of rescue plans, first aid requirements, participant experience, training or safety equipment.

Section F - Public Liability Insurance

Section G - Environmental Impact Information

This information is an integral part of each application and helps us to understand the potential environmental impacts and determine whether a licence can be granted and if so, whether conditions and monitoring may be required.

What information will I need to provide?

Using the form below please describe in detail the environmental effects of your operation. We may impose conditions in the licence to remove and/or mitigate adverse effects.

  • Identify the activities and locations with potential environmental effects, both positive and adverse.
  • Describe any measures to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects.
  • Identify any alternative locations, times or designs that would mitigate the adverse effects.
  • Prescribe a programme to monitor any ongoing effects.

You can find more information about environmental impacts in the Environmental Protocols For Lake Taupō, these can include, but are not limited to; Creatures/Animals, Damages, Hazardous Substances, Noise Polution, Temporary Structures and Waste.

Please describe

  1. Description *
  2. Location *
  3. Potential effects of your activity *
  4. Methods to remedy, mitigate or avoid adverse effects
  5. Monitoring
E.g. Excessive noise levels
E.g. Lake Taupo
E.g. Disturbance to other recreational users

Section H - Cultural Impact Information

This information is an integral part of each application and helps us to understand the potential cultural impacts and determine whether a licence can be granted and if so, whether conditions and monitoring may be required.

We may impose conditions in the licence to ensure that the commercial activity does not have an adverse effect on matters or sites of cultural significance. Please refer to the Cultural Protocols For Lake Taupō.

Your operation, without approval, will not use any intellectual property of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and not represent any traditional or cultural stories or information of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Section I - Operation Financial Information

Please note that your Financial information is kept strictly confidential to the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board.

Please ensure that your Statement of Estimated Gross Revenue remains a spreadhseet for office use.

The end of your financial year. At the end of your financial year you will be required to complete a final statement of gross revenue to be signed by your accountant.

Section J - Experiences/Activities

Eg. Trout Fishing, Sight seeing

Operation Flag - Food and Beverage
Operation Flag - Long Weekends
Operation Flag - School Holidays

Section J - Applicant Declaration

The applicant declares the information contained within this application is complete and accurate.

The applicant understands if any information contained within this application is incomplete or inaccurate, the processing of the application may be delayed, or could be rejected. If the application is delayed, further information may be requested at the expense of the applicant. The applicant accepts delays in processing may arise out of any inadequacies in the information provided in support of the application.

The applicant acknowledges the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board has the discretion to withdraw approval for any activity or event if the information provided in this application is found to be deliberately misleading.

The applicant understands an application fee is payable and a usage fee may also apply (see schedule of fees). The fees will be determined after the application is assessed and an invoice issued to the applicant.