Registration Form

Why register with our Trusts?
  • To be informed about events.
  • To participate in the election of Trustees and Ward representatives.
  • To be notified of Annual General Meeting.
  • To ensure you the right to vote on important kaupapa.
  • To access grants and initiatives.
  • To enable the Trust to communicate with you.

As a registered member of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust and Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust you are kept informed with publications, newsletters, and upcoming hui and events that concern you, your whānau, your marae and hapū

What do I need?
  • Complete and submit a registration form
  • Your contact information
  • Your Whakapapa Details
  • Your children's information (if applicable)
  • Marae & Hapu information
  • Māori Land Blocks you descend from (Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board only)
  • Identification for each member who would like to register. See below supporting documentation required for each Trust.
Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board (TMTB)

To be registered as a beneficiary of the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, you must be a natural descendant of an original owner of a Tūwharetoa land block surrounding Lake Taupō and its tributaries.

Supporting documents required:

  • Your birth certificate; and
  • Supporting land documentation (i.e. Māori Land Court records)

You are not eligible to be a beneficiary of the Trust if you:

  • Obtained an interest in land adjoining Lake Taupō and its tributaries but are not a natural descendant of an original owner; or
  • You are an adopted person who is not a natural descendant of an original owner
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST)

To be registered as a beneficiary of the Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust you must be a member of the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Iwi by whakapapa or whangai.

Supporting documents required:

  • Birth Certificate, Drivers Licence, Passport, 18+ HANZ card or Gun Licence
Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust (NTF)

To be registered as a beneficiary of the Ngāti Tūwharetoa Fisheries Charitable Trust, you must whakapapa to a hapū of Ngāti Tūwharetoa:

Supporting documents required:

  • Birth Certificate, Drivers Licence, Passport or 18+ HANZ card

Please note: "Whangai" means those persons who do not whakapapa to Ngāti Tūwharetoa but who are adopted by a member of Ngāti Tūwharetoa in accordance with the tikanga of Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

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  1. the election of Trustees; or
  2. any amendment to this Deed or the constitutional documents of any Asset Holding Company or Subsidiary of any Asset Holding Company; or
  3. the disposal of Income Shares or Settlement Quota; or
  4. the conversion of Quota into Settlement Quota.
Personal Details

Contact Details
* Please provide at least one contact number


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Whakapapa Details

Please only specify your Whakapapa of Tuwharetoa decent


Children 18 years and over must complete their own Registration Form
Child Repeat Variables

Child Address

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Marae Information
Please tick all Tuwharetoa Marae you affiliate with
Hapu Information
Please tick all Tuwharetoa Hapu you affiliate with

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Tuwharetoa Land Interest
Please attach a copy of the Maori Land Blocks you descend from.
You can obtain this from the Maori Land Online website by completing an individual or Whanau Trust search.

To be registered as a beneficiary with the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board you must be a natural descendent of the original owner of a Tuwharetoa land block surrounding Lake Taupo and its tributaries. 

You are not eligible to be a beneficiary of the Trust Board if you:
  • Obtained an interest in land adjoining Lake Taupo and its tributaries but are not a natural descendent of original owner; or
  • You are an adopted person who is not a natural descendent of an original owner.

* Notes *
  • Tick all that apply
  • Hauhungaroa is inclusive of the Whakarawa Block 
  • Rangatira is inclusive of the Paenoa Te Akau Block 
  • Waipapa Block must be in the Aotea Land District


Declaration & Privacy Policy