Tūwharetoa e!
As of 5pm, Friday 23 December a rāhui is in effect over Otūtere, the white cliffs in between Rotongaio at Waitahanui and the Hinemaiaia River at Hātepe.
Ngāti Tutemohuta enacted the rāhui after concerns for public safety in the aftermath of the 30 November earthquake.
The rāhui comes after the M5.7 earthquake which occurred at Taupō Moana on 30 November. After the quake, a series of aftershocks and landslips occurred throughout the rohe.
Signs will be placed in the rāhui area to warn the public.
If any of the signs have been damaged or defaced, please contact Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board.
E: info@tuwharetoa.co.nz
Or you can send us a DM.