Tēna tātou, nau mai haere mai ki te pae tukutuku o Project Kaitiaki.

This page is a work in progress, we’ll be continuously updating and adding information and resources to support kaitiakitanga ki Ngāti Tūwharetoa.


Brief Overview – Te Ahunga Mai o Project Kaitiaki

Project Kaitiaki is a new kaupapa established under the Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board, guided by Nga Kaihautū o te Awa o Waikato. The project’s objective is to build capacity and capability in Tūwharetoa tangata to participate in and make decisions for wai and te taiao. The project aims to develop skills and further knowledge using a mix of mātauranga Māori and Western science.


our key objectives – NgĀ paearu angitu

  • Design a pilot project to develop kaitiaki plans with Te Hikuwai o Tūwharetoa Marae
  • Develop a mātauranga framework to help understand and protect our wai māori for future generations
  • Investigate new ways to digitally preserve important information
  • Develop resources, and tools and hold wānanga to support Kaitiakitanga

The Trust Board received funding from the Ministry for the Environment’s Te Mana o te Wai fund, the project ends in February 2025.



Past Events



Ngā Rauemi

Relevant links to freshwater management and legislation.


Funding Opportunities

Tahua Pūtea

Learn more about funding opportunities to support your taiao projects.

Funding Opportunities

Project Timeline

Te Ahunga Mai o Project Kaitiaki

Learn more about our Project Timeline.

Project Timeline

News & Events